I’ve been meaning to write this email for some considerable time and have now been prompted by a visit to Lodsworth on Tuesday. Over the years I have noticed the degradation of a sign on the wall of St Peter’s Well Cottage immediately abutting Vicarage Lane. If I recall correctly this sign, which I believe to be of considerable age, had wording warning vagrants not to enter the parish. The wording has not been distinguishable for many years but the board remains, just. However, it is now pretty much obscured by ivy.
It may be that the renovation of the board is being considered, altho’ it may need to be replaced entirely, if not I feel it should be before it disappears without trace unless it is of no historical merit There should be a record of the wording somewhere. I seem to recall it was mentioned, perhaps with a photograph, in a book ‘West Sussex Villages’ by John Batten published by the West Sussex Gazette which was a collection of his articles that had appeared in the newspaper. I may be wrong about this. I do have a copy of this book but it is in storage and not accessible at the moment. WSCC have a copy.
Kind regards
Dan Warner
Dear Mr Warner,
I have read your message regarding the old sign on the side of my house with interest. I would be most grateful if you could share the original wording when you have access to your book.
Kind regards,
Claire Penhallurick