Memories of Lodsworth

Lodsworth in 1912 by Harry Carver
Reproduction of articles by Harry Carver, first published in Outlook in August and September 1977, describing who was living where in the parish about 1912 when he was six years old.


Childhood Memories of Lodsworth during WWII by Brian Kingshott
Brian Kingshott recounted these fascinating memories of Lodsworth during World War II at our recent Lodsworth in the 1930s & 40s event. Click on the title to read Brian’s story.


Holly Cottage to Kozy Cott – Memories of Smithbrook by Cherie Corley née Smith
A chance encounter with two cyclists in Lodsworth one summer led to one of them, Cherie Corley née Smith, recording her memories of life in Smithbrook in the 1960s.


‘As promised I attach my childhood memories of life pre “Kozy Cott”. I have been surprised firstly at how clearly I remember life in those days and secondly how much the world has changed since then. Who would have guessed that a chance encounter after nearly 60 years would result in all those happy days being recorded? I hope that what I’ve written will be of interest to the Heritage Society. If you think I may have the answers to any missing details, please feel free to contact me.’