AGMs on their own are hardly appealing, so this year we promised that the “official business” would be dealt with in a proper but brief fashion, and that the major part of the evening would be devoted to something far more appealing (the ‘Plus’!). This worked very well. The Plus included:
- Interesting stories Tony Brooks had unearthed while scanning 50 years of Outlook
- Stories discovered during Derrick Turriff, Barry & Jill Norris and James Tree’s graveyard project
- A few interesting documents Gillian & Tim Johnson had discovered while cataloguing our ever-expanding archives
- Many people are contacting us through this LHS website and stories are emerging, including a beautiful account of life as a child in Kosy Cott (now Holliers)
More seriously, a few of the sad stories emerging from the new joint LHS/Midhurst U3A project which is researching the lives of the casualties on Lodsworth’s WW1 war memorial.
We also showed a fascinating short film of life in the Lodsworth area 20 years ago. And, as always, we had a display of Lodsworth’s history.
In all a thoroughly interesting and at times entertaining evening.