
AGM Plus 2014

AGMs on their own are hardly appealing, so this year we promised that the “official business” would be dealt with in a proper but brief fashion, and that the major part of the evening would be devoted to something far more appealing (the ‘Plus’!). This worked very well. The Plus included: Interesting stories Tony Brooks

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Holly Cottage to Kozy Cott – Memories of Smithbrook by Cherie Corley née Smith

A chance encounter between Ian Buckingham and two cyclists last summer led to one of them, Cherie Corley née Smith, recording her remarkably detailed memories of life in Smithbrook between 1954 and 1967. As promised I attach my childhood memories of life pre “Kozy Cott”. I have been surprised firstly at how clearly I remember

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Harry Carver

I have been preparing a family tree for my brother-in-law,  Mr O Carver. His father Harry Carver had a piece printed in Outlook showing who lived where in Lodsworth in 1912. He loaned me a photo of a wedding. I can put a name to some of the people but it would be nice if

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RNAS Cowdray Park

Firstly, I would like to say how much I enjoyed Mr Kingshott’s wartime memories posted on your site. Secondly, I wonder if someone might be able to ask him if he remembers a fete held at Hurlands Farm during WWII which was interrupted by an air raid. I am writing up the history of RNAS

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